Immersive Exhibition
Seaphony - Life on Planet Ocean
The sea celebrated its premiere in Berlin: in spring 2022, OCEANS21 revitalised the Alte Münze in Berlin Mitte with expansive immersive installations and interactive mixed reality formats. Ambisonic soundart, audiovisual installations, virtual reality artworks, binaural audio sculptures and interdisciplinary arts & science talks flooded the historic Alte Münze and transformed the former money factory into an expansive oceanic underwater cosmos.
Seaphony. Life on Planet Ocean - an invitation to engage with the sea and its inhabitants with all the senses, to embark on a journey through this still largely unexplored cosmos and rediscover its fascination as well as experience its dangers from a wide variety of perspectives. The exhibition captured the magic of the ocean with the means of art and moulded it into sensual experiences. Also in the hope of fuelling motivation to protect the largest habitat on earth.
As a part of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development it was supported by Prof Dr Antje Boetius, Director of the Alfred Wegener Institute in Bremerhaven as patron.
Exhibition documentary
Seaphony. Life on Planet Ocean
Successful World premiere
The Sea in Berlin
Premiere in May 2022 in Berlin
In spring 2022, the exhibition attracted more than 10.000 visitors to the halls of the Alte Münze in Berlin Mitte from 6 May to 8 June. It started with the 500 sqm Seaphony installation, an acoustic underwater journey around the world lasting about 50 minutes. The journey was illustrated on a wall-sized map, the 22-channel sound system for the 360-degree spatial sound (ambisonic) as well as the light installation were specially designed for this space. Further stations were the 18-minute intensive virtual reality experience The Bone, staged in a boat, and OCEAN.WORLD.MODULES, 12 binaurally produced audio tracks by wittmann/zeitblom with a total length of about 45 minutes, to be experienced via headphones on seating sculptures by Berlin artist Isabel Ott.

A separate room was dedicated to the touring exhibition "Ocean" by the BUND Bund für und Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland.
Special offers for schools, discussion rounds with representatives of BUND and artist talks moderated by Britta Steffenhagen accompanied the exhibition.
Artists and team
The minds behind the exhibition
Ina Krüger and Diana Schniedermeier - the minds behind OCEANS21 have been working at the interface of art, technology and science for years. Their exhibition Seaphony - Life on Planet Ocean focuses on current projects on the theme of the ocean, which they have implemented together with artists from different fields:
Composer, sound artist, engineer and field recordist Chris Watson (Seaphony)
Sound artist, sound engineer and Prof. of music and sound recording Tony Myatt (Seaphony)
Visual artist Theresa Baumgartner (Seaphony)
Artist Michelle-Marie Letelier (The Bone)
The author and composer duo wittmann/zeitblom (OCEAN.WORLD.MODULES)
Berlin artist Isabel Ott (Funky Seats)
Illustrator Jaroslav Kaschtalinski (One Ocean Map)
Support & partners
We would like to thank our supporters and partners who have contributed to the realisation of the exhibition:
Interactive Media Foundation, radioeins, BUND Naturschutz e.V., Deutschlandfunk, Deutschlandfunk Kultur, Alte Münze, GEO, Ask Helmut, Tranzept